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The members of the Moscow Government held a Collegiate meeting of the Government Economic Bloc to present the key indicators of the city economic growth. The initiatives of the International Business Leaders Forum were included into the final report of the city authorities.

Under the aegis of the Russian presidency in G20 and B20 the fifth Forum of corporate directors, members of the Boards of Directors of Russian companies, was organized by the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF), Association of Independent Directors (AID) and PwC.

Boris Tkachenko and Victor Glushkov were among the participants of the representative delegation of thirteen YBI national member organizations, who took part in the events of the Global Entrepreneurship Congress.

The administration of Rostov-on-Don and the Economy Department of Rostov-on-Don on March 12, 2013 joined the Cooperation agreement on the regional intersectoral cooperation partnership in the area of the youth entrepreneurship development.

At its annual conference in Manila, the Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND) awarded the Youth Business Russia Programme with a special prize.

On February 22, Almaty hosted the “Youth Entrepreneurship” international workshop held under the auspices of the British Embassy in Kazakhstan and Damu Foundation.

More than 50 business leaders, regulators and anticorruption experts from companies all over the world gathered together in Moscow on 17th January to discuss how business and governments can work together to reduce corruption.
They were participating in the first plenary session of the B20 Taskforce on improving Transparency and Anti-corruption.

13 December, 2012, round-table discussion “How should corporate fraud be opposed: a system of preventive measures within a company” was organized by the International Business Leaders Forum within the framework of the Siemens Integrity Initiative supported by KPMG.

“The G20 Leaders summit is due to be held on September 5 – 5 in Constantine Palace in St. Petersburg”, announced Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergey Ivanov at the meeting of the Organizing Committee for preparing Russian presidency in G20. The stage is being set by the coordinated work of the working groups which include, among others, the so-called ‘Business 20’, B20.
The kick-off meeting of the Organizing Committee opening the B20 ‘season’ was attended by International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF). The speeches and discussions could be watched online at http://b20russia.com.

Within the framework of the joint project initiated by Donors Forum, the Vedomosti business daily and PwC, the International Business Leaders Forum has partnered the award category “Best Programme for Youth Involvement in Social and Economic Development”. Head of the Branch Office IBFL in Russia Boris Tkachenko awarded the winner and co-winners in this nomination at the ceremony held on November 16, 2012.

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