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With the involvement of partnering companies in streamlining the process of public procurement, the Moscow Government has made significant advance in drafting new procedures of developing standard contracts for the city.

Youth Business International experts held a presentation on young entrepreneur mentorship for the participants of Youth Business Russia and Youth Business Ukraine in St. Petersburg.  

YBR Programme held a training course for its future trainers on July 10 - 12 in Moscow. Attending the event were YBR coordinators from all six programme regions and experts from the Voronezh Oblast and Primorsky Kray, which cooperate with YBR in the field of education of young entrepreneurs.

Head of IBLF Branch Office in Russia Boris Tkachenko and IBLF Senior Consultant Polina Kalnitskaya took part in the meeting of the anticorruption working group within the framework of the international project called Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) at Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance in Berlin.

Two new workshops on mentorship, Mentor, a Road to Success and Mentor’s Road, were held in Moscow within the framework of the Youth Business Russia Programme by its Manager Boris Tkachenko.  

Crowning the intense six-month work, the so-called Green Book, the recommendations drawing on the best practices that could be proposed by the business community to the G20 leaders, was handed over to President Putin.
Preparation of this document also involved the IBLF.

The participants of the G20 Youth Summit held their meeting on 15 – 17 June in Moscow. Together with the Youth Business International delegation, they drew up recommendations to the G20 leaders.

At the initiative of IBLF Russia the Department for Competition Policy of the Government of Moscow together with the Civil Council for Developing Competition in Moscow held several rounds of negotiations on public procurement.

On June 5, a workshop titled “Mentor: A Path to Success” was held within the framework of the Youth Business Russia Programme in Moscow. The workshop was attended by young entrepreneurs planning to draw on their ideas or interesting projects for starting a business.

Brook Horowitz, Director of Business Standards with IBLF presented the B20 recommendations on Improving Transparency and Anti-corruption to a meeting of the G20 Sherpas, brought together to prepare for the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg later this year.

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